Learning WordPress!
Photo by Justin Morgan on Unsplash
So I’ve started a class on how to create a WordPress site from scratch. My mentor let me know he was teaching the class this Spring, so I made sure I could sign up in time. WordPress has been a platform that I’ve had some success with…and a lot of failures.
I attempted to learn it on my own shortly after I graduated with my Web Design and Computer Progamming degrees. But that went nowhere fast! I didn’t know PHP. I didn’t know MySQL. I didn’t know Boostrap (which was the hottest thing out there along with Foundation at the time). And I didn’t know how to create themes or plugins. And I had the hardest time getting it set up on my computer because the version of Windows I was using needed more manual work for setting up the dev environment. And with me being so new to all of this…I let the pressure overwhelm me.
I ended up abandonning the platform after a while and went on to learn Boostrap to make websites with that. But now, I’m finding I need to know this, along with Divi, to be able to find a job for some of the listings I’m seeing out there. So I made the decision to take a course and finally learn WordPress.
For my website, I’ve decided to make a book and movie review site. I’m always reading something new, so generating content for that part will be pretty easy. Plus, I read relatively fast, so that will help too.
And I’m always going to the movies because I have a Regal Unlimited membership. So as long as I don’t have anything else going on during the day, I can fit in about 2-3 movies. So that should work too. Plus, I just saw the new Captain America movie, so I can do a recent review.
Now I just need to get an idea of what I want the website to look like. It’ll take a little bit of time, but I can get it done. I’m trying to make this as simple as possible since it’s an 8 week class and I don’t have a lot of time to go too crazy with this.
But if I get the hang of WordPress, I’d like to make some more themes and maybe even figure out plugins. 🤞
I’ll still keep up with my #JavaScript30 work. I’m planning on working on that tomorrow. Gotta keep my skills up while everything is still fresh in my mind.
So that’s me for now! Happy coding everyone!